Tuesday, June 16, 2009

MIT/Stanford Venture Lab - Mobile Computing Event

Today, I tagged along with a good friend of mine at work to an event at Stanford University sponsored by the MIT/Stanford Venture Lab. We had just found about the event that very day and were disappointed to see it was sold out. But we went anyways and realized we could "volunteer" our way in. We signed up as volunteers and had access to a huge dinner and an event with valuable information and fantastic people! Our job was simply to collect and recycle all the plastic name tags at the end of the event. Not a bad deal.

It was related to the future of mobile computing from applications, mobile operating systems, hardware needs, and venture capital outlooks and business models -- http://www.vlab.org/article.html?aid=275. It was a great opportunity to network with developers, VCs, and some big corporate representatives including VP of Developer Marketing at Palm and Blackberry Director of Developer Relations at RIM. And not to mention the free food :)

I am looking forward to future VLAB events this summer!

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