Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Help the Needy in Our Community!

Cupertino is a wonderful community. Let us support the needy in our community…

Cupertino Community Services’ Food Pantry needs non-perishable food, including cereal and tuna, and fresh fruits and vegetables - especially potatoes; new winter jackets; unwrapped teen gifts; gift cards, especially for grocery stores; and holiday wrapping paper. Volunteers also needed. Donations may be dropped off at 10104 Vista Drive, Cupertino, 8 a.m.-noon and 1-5 p.m. weekdays, except Thursdays, when the agency is open until 8 p.m. (408) 255-8033, www.cupertinocommunityservices.org.

Monday, December 3, 2007

Google Is Great!

I am so excited to hear Google’s announcement yesterday inviting high schoolers like me to participate in this. See details here - http://code.google.com/opensource/ghop/2007-8/

Having self-learnt LAMP architecture during my 9th grade, I wish Google had initiated this contest three years back. Nevertheless, I am going to submit some very exciting stuff I’ve done recently.

Though I wish that Google gave rewards in the form of their stock rather than cash.

This is just awesome!